

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Such a Silly Little Girl...

Yesterday, when mom and dad weren't watching, I sat in my block bucket! It was a tight squeeze and yes, I needed a little help to get out.

Brock and Zane gave me their old playsets. Thank you boys! Mom finally put them together in our backyard last weekend. I LOVE the slide. I go right off the end on to the grass and then crack up. I can also climb up the ladder all by myself.

And here is the matching house. It even has a backdoor. I go in the front and sneak out the back. I could do it all day...

Here I am all zonked out. I fell asleep on the couch and then stood up like I was awake and rolled onto the floor without missing a beat. It was apparently pretty darn cute.
I am trying on Dad's shoes. I think they may be a tad too big...

Also, I have some big news to share. Yesterday I went to my first movie with mom and dad - Shrek, The Final Chapter. I was very excited and watched all the previews and then all of a sudden the credits were running! Why would we go to my first movie so close to nap time?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Weekend Adventures (I have had lot's of them lately...)!

Here is the whole family at the Mesquite Rodeo.
I loved watching the horses and bulls! I wore my cowgirl hat and boots. Although I didn't really want to sit still, I loved all of the music and cotton candy (no wonder I couldn't sit still...).
Here I am playing dress up! It is one of my favorite things to do.

And this is my Aunt Lacey. She is in Dallas visiting me. She is so much fun!

Here I am with Aunt Lacey and Jeremiah at dinner. We ate at a steak house where you could throw peanut shells on the ground! I fit in great seeing as how I love to throw all of my food on the ground...

And here I am in Austin playing games with my Uncle Brock. I like to do pretty much anything my Uncles Brock and Zane do.

Lots of weekend adventures lately...