

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Four Weeks Old

I am four weeks old today and my Mom and Dad just cannot believe how much I have changed this past month. I had my first bath, my first day in the snow, and even rolled from my belly to my back to both my own and my momma's amazement. (I was on the couch so now we are working on doing it on the floor - it is a bit more difficult, but I almost have it). I have also outgrown most of my newborn size clothes and all of my newborn size booties and shoes. I even outgrew my sleep positioner (who new that was possible?). I may even be too long for some of my three month clothes in the next couple of weeks. Lastly, I have officially moved into my own crib. But with this change, I have also stopped sleeping for long stretches at night (I gave the parents 3 weeks of sleeping very well with only a little snack from 12am - 6am...). Now I wake up at 3am for a couple of hours each night, but they are pretty nice about it... Here are some recent photos:

This is me and Jackie playing together (she was copying me).
Here I am holding onto my pacifier.
Now if I could only figure out how to get it into my mouth on my own...
Here I am just being my adorable self.
Doing baby exercises...
And in my favorite purple outfit (Thank you auntie Sarah!). Just so you can see how much I've grown, I am wearing these same pants in the photo below with Daddy feeding me and they were huge.
And sleeping like an angel!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Savannah, I have been following your blog religiously. Could you be anymore cute? I am so glad you enjoyed the purple outfit. =) Remind your mom and dad to watch the mail- there should be something coming from California soon....